20 August, 2011Posted on August 20, 2011March 26, 2012 Listening to: Reading: Quote of the week: “If a naked man offers to give you clothes, look at him first and judge whether he is really telling the truth.” – A familiar Akan (Ghanian) saying.
15 August, 2011Posted on August 15, 2011March 26, 2012 Listening to: Reading: Quote of the week: “A have a large ball of shit that is getting bigger and bigger and is chasing me down the hill.” – Rough translation of a common Afrikaner saying.
7 August, 2011Posted on August 7, 2011March 26, 2012 Listening to: Reading: Quote of the week: “The fox who chases two rabbits starves.” – A mining executive with whom I work.
August 1, 2011Posted on August 1, 2011March 26, 2012 Listening to: Reading: Quote of the week: “You eat like a chicken – sideways and always wiping your mouth” -A South African man explaining the similarities between how chickens eat and how men chase women (sideways and in secret).