29 November, 2014Posted on November 29, 2014November 29, 2014 Listening to: Reading: Quote of the week: “Every play must have a secret that breaks open in the end.” –Playwright Fatima Dike
22 November, 2014Posted on November 22, 2014November 22, 2014 Listening to: Reading: Quote of the week: “Never stop. One always stops as soon as something is about to happen.” –Peter Brook
15 November, 2014Posted on November 15, 2014November 15, 2014 Listening to: Reading: Quote of the week: “To be poor, gifted, and black.” –My friend Kwame’s take on Nina’s Simone’s famous song “To be young, gifted and black.”
8 November, 2014Posted on November 8, 2014November 8, 2014 Listening to: Reading: Quote of the week: “Stop beating yourself up, it’s indulgent.” –A friend talking about me and my writing process.
25 October, 2014Posted on October 25, 2014October 25, 2014 Listening to: Reading: Quote of the week: “Movies will make you famous; Television will make you rich; But theatre will make you good.” ― Terrence Mann
18 October, 2014Posted on October 18, 2014 Listening to: Reading: Quote of the week: “Facts are the enemy of truth.” –A saying
11 October, 2014Posted on October 11, 2014 Listening to: Reading: Quote of the week: “Don’t try to tell me that hungry is not an emotion because I feel that shit deep in my soul.” –A Friend, Nina Gallant
4 October, 2014Posted on October 4, 2014 Listening to: Reading: Quote of the week: “I don’t believe grief ever leaves you.You just learn to live with it deeply rooted in your soul.” — A friend, Brian Thomas
27 September, 2014Posted on September 27, 2014September 27, 2014 Listening to: Reading: Quote of the week: “Oh shame upon earth! Apollo! Apollo! Lord of the ways, my ruin You have undone me once again, and utterly.” — Cassandra crying out as she sets foot on Greek soil, from Aeschylus’ Agamemnon
20 September, 2014Posted on September 20, 2014September 21, 2014 Listening to: Reading: Quote of the week: “Reality is wrong. Dreams are for real.” — Tupac Shakur