On 26 October we held a reading of my play in progress Whose Blood: A Tale of Desire and Despair Set in a 19th Century Operating Theatre. It was terrifying, enlightening, and gorgeously directed and acted. Now back to rewriting.
World Food: Film Reading
Dear Film Readers,
A warm thanks for participating last night in the film reading. It was an amazing event for us to have such a group gathered, and to hear the piece out loud with such varied voices. It has given us much food for thought.
We’ve spent the day working on the film, thinking about such things as:
- Characters: How can we tell the most real and complex stories
- Land Grab: how can we push the movie towards land grab, which is perhaps the most pressing and complex issue?
- Inside Africa/Inside Mexico. What would the film look like if we really put ourselves inside these worlds and wrote from there?
The event stirred up so many thoughts and possibilities for us – you made this happen. We welcome continued discussion.
All the best,
Alex and Jim