I wrote an article: Rita Dove in ArtsATL!

I wrote my first professional article. It was so fun to use my sense of detail and story, writing in a form I was unaccustomed to. And the best part having my phone ring and have Rita Dove be on the other end! Love speaking with her, she is as brilliant and charming as her writing. Check it the article HERE.

Rodin Ritual

I’ve gotten into the habit of transforming life moments with rituals. Then the other day a friend asked the other day why I do this. Why would I not?#*$&?!!! Another friend pointed out they always, go sideways . . . which is true. Here’s the latest! Much love, Alex

Videos of projects in Guinea, Kenya, and Côte d’Ivoire.

Last summer, I headed off to West Africa with a team and documented the work that colleagues of mine had done over the past five years. The shoot was grueling, lots of mishaps (including brawls, drunk subjects, and at one point our camera man getting detained for not having the right permits). And then the editing over months! But the final product is beautiful.

You can watch the videos here

I made a radio drama: The Case of the Missing Cards

My first radio drama. It was fun, grueling, experimental.

Thanks to all my helpers and collaborators: couldn’t have done this without you: Cinqué Hicks, Lauren Ludwig, Jarvis Turner, Jackie Trimble, Mauryne Less, M. Aviña, Jen Scott, Ramya Krishnaswamy, Stephone Watson, Amanda Diaz and my four-year-old nephew Ziv Bernstein. The power of art is in community for me.

Listen Here!

IFC Sustainability Virtual Exchange Wrap-Up

Just go through the wrap up from our IFC Virtual Exchange 2020. I was one of the executive producers and we shared lessons learned with colleagues.

Creating the event was a thrilling experience: pulling together 80 speaks, over 100 video segments, production teams on three continents. The response has been overwhelming: 6,000 + participant viewers from 140 countries, 35M social media impression. Here’s the recap video and our core team with a Tik Tok flower gag.

Mexico City Elderly Sex Workers

Just back from a trip to Mexico City trip, spending time at a home for elderly sex workers. Went with a friend George, and met there Claudia, co-directors of an extraordinary documentary about these women: The Ugly Doll / La Muñeca Fea https://www.amazon.com/Ugly-Doll-Muñeca-Fea/dp/B07FCSKR5F.

Mexico City was amazing – a kind of paradise: green and sprawling and full of boulevards and garden walkways, buildings collapsed in successive earthquakes, but a city rebuilt on top of itself. Downtown, in what used to be an island on a lake, a 14th century temple built to the gods of war and rain and agriculture, then destroyed by the Spanish in the 16thcentury to build a cathedral, the temple lost and rediscovered 100 years ago, its ruins living among the city and cathedrals.

Then the women – I know some of their stories: brutal rape and abuse, many went into sex work to support their children, some pimped out by their husbands. Now their families (and society) mostly abandon them, but they’ve reclaimed an abandoned building and created a home together – a band of women bonded and brutal, all the complexities of a family. They are an inspiration: survivors like I’ve never seen, tough beyond measure. George and Claudia say if aliens came down looking for the best humanity had to offer, it would be these women. I agree.