20 August, 2011

Listening to:


Quote of the week:

“If a naked man offers to give you clothes, look at him first and judge whether he is really telling the truth.”
– A familiar Akan (Ghanian) saying.

15 August, 2011

Listening to:


Quote of the week:

  “A have a large ball of shit that is getting bigger and bigger and is chasing me down the hill.”
– Rough translation of a common Afrikaner saying.

World Food Movie Take 6

Another amazing evening, with readers of the World Food Movie calling in from three continents. Filled today with thoughts and inspiration on how to keep in developing. Here was the London contingent.

August 1, 2011

Listening to:


Quote of the week:

“You eat like a chicken – sideways and always wiping your mouth” -A South African man explaining the similarities between how chickens eat and how men chase women (sideways and in secret).

Waylaid in Kumasi

On my way back from the mine in Obuasi, Ghana to Accra and then to Johannesburg. Flights cancelled and so I hole up in a hotel to work, rest, and sleep. One of the benefits is that they serve Banku, my favorite Ghanaian dish made with pounded fermented corn and cassava. Banku with Tilapia, Banku with light soup . . . I could stay here for awhile.

Solon Beef Days

Been working on a film about the global struggle for food. The film takes us from the corn fields of Iowa, to Presidential palaces in Ethiopia, to rancheros hiding out in Mexico city. The opening credits roll over shots of Solon Beef Days, an annual festival in a small Iowa town where my aunt and uncle and their family still live. The parade is actually happening today while I am 6,000 miles away at a gold mine in Ghana eating mashed cassava and running projections for millions of dollars of new community projects. Sometime I wonder at the strangeness of how a boy from Massachusetts ended of advising African governments and companies, but today its the Solon main street parade that seems oddest of all.