Life imitates Art

Tractors on Bole Road in Addis Ababa.  Almost an exact scene from my film (still being written).  I’ve lost writing confidence, not sure why.  Need to find my way back as life and art continue to overlap.



Rumble Play Reading: 13 April

Last night I held a reading of my “Rumble in the Jungle” play at my new glass house in Johannesburg.  Blessed to have everyone participate and bring this beast to life.  My head and heart is now full of changes to make.  Thanks everyone . . .

25 March, 2012

Listening to:


Quote of the week:

“You said you didn’t even know my name . . . told me might that we might as well make ours the same.”
– John Legend, Quickly

11 March, 2012

Listening to:


Quote of the week:

“Elvis was a hero to most . . . Elvis was a hero to most but he never meant shit to me.  Straight up racist the sucker was simple and plain (mother fuck him and John Wayne!)
– Chuck D and Flavor Flav

3 March 2012

Listening to:


Quote of the week:

“Never be proud for what you are or the position you hold, because after a game of chess, the king & the pawns go into the same box.”
– A Fante (Ghanaian) saying

I am fennel . . .

An odd thing has happened as I have moved back to working full time within a big mining organization.  I took the job because I was worn out by being out there on my own – managing so many jobs and writing projects – a heavy freedom.   Now, being part of an organization, I now imagine myself as fennel.  On its own fennel is a strange and sometimes difficult food, but as part of a soup, it add a unique flavor while losing its singular bite.  I am now enjoying being part of a mix, my identity now much more about how I influence others and they me.  The break and context I’ve sorely needed.