22 August, 2015
Umlilo: Head writer – my new job!
So my new job is head writer on a South Africa drama called Umlilo (the fire). I’m working on Season 3. It’s the story of a Zulu man in Johannesburg married to three women (wait, was the first wife just murdered?!). We have everything: wives, jealousy, kidnapping, trucks running goods to the Congo, dark secrets emerging from the past . . . .
Working on the show is a total pleasure. As head writer I guide the development of the story lines and then work with the six other writers on the scripts (while writing a couple episodes of my own.) It’s perfect: great cast, first class production company, wonderful writers, the chance to really dig myself into a show over a million people watch every week.
Here’s a summary of Season One. Season Two now airing on Mondays at 9pm on etv. Season Three (which I’m working on) will air early 2016.
15 August, 2015
8 August, 2015
News . . .
Winter has begun to recede – days getting longer, and I have many “news” . . . New writing class I’m teaching at Wits University, new television show I’m writing on, and a new home . . . the first I’ve ever owned. A glass penthouse from which I peer down into the city.
1 August, 2015
Durban visit . . .
A trip to one of my favorite places – Durban. The city smack against the ocean, the waves, the mix of Indian, Zulu, white. These fish have not had a good night.
25 July, 2015
Joburg Saturdays
My Saturdays: every third week I get haircut in Yeoville and shop for Nigerian food. Good to be back home in Jozi.