2 Replies to “21 October, 2018”

  1. Alex:
    I love that you share your music and reading with me. Nikki Giovanni is one of my favorite poets and has a connection to my former work. For a brief period, she was affiliated with the Appalachian Community Fund, Knoxville, TN where she lived with her grandmother as a child. She was part of the Fund’s 10-year celebration which was held at Alex Haley’s nearby farm in Norris and served on the board of ACF, during my time as executive director. I wish you were providing your film classes somewhere in MI.

    1. Ah Wendy, so great to hear from you and yes! I just realized that hearing Nikki Giovanni speak 20 years ago in Montgomery planted a seed in me. She read a poem called “quilting the black eyed pea (we’re going to Mars)” and now I’m writing a TV show with a black woman leading the Life on Mars project. Love, Alex

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